Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Another drip on the wall

Great Danes are near perfection in canine form - even the books describe our breed as "the Apollo of dogdom." [These two are more like "the Apollo 13 of dogdom." -- "Dad"] If really pressed, though, we'd have to admit that there's something a bit wonky with the lip design. No doubt it worked well for our ancestors, who needed a wide-open jaw for attacking bears. For civilized dogs like us... not so much. Effective drinking from a bowl is a particular challenge. Cosmo especially tends to leave almost as much goo in the bowl as he gets water down the throat. Fortunately our "parents" have learned to translate our look that clearly signals "I'm thirsty, but the water bowl is too gloppy" and proudly demonstrate this by refilling the bowl with fresh.

Still, there's the problem that not everything stays inside the mouth. So we've had to perfect the muzzle-drying technique of rapid oscillating rotations of the head. The best location for this activity would be in the hallway, where both walls are close by and blank-slate white. Cosmo's personal best mark reached 5 feet 4-1/2 inches above ground level. Perhaps one day this could be an Olympic exhibition sport.

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