We both have the motivation to jump right into the back of "mom's" SUV (whose rear seats are almost always folded down) on a moment's notice. Astro has the agility to make the jump even though there's not much headroom. But Cosmo, who had some joint and back troubles as a puppy with his first owner, isn't quite as athletic. And even "dad" doesn't have the strength to lift us in - as if we'd put up with such humiliation in the first place.
"Dad" got one of those folding ramp things, but we're not into high-wire acts and refuse to trust it. Then he noticed that we have no trouble with stairs in the house, so he made us this nifty set of portable steps instead. They're light enough that "mom" can easily toss them in the car for trips, and were simple and inexpensive to build as well.
The steps were made from foam insulation board from the home improvement store. "Dad" cut the 1.5" thick sheet into five 1x2-foot sections for the top step, and five 2x2-foot sections for the bottom section. A layer of thick corrugated cardboard on the two 1x2-foot step surfaces adds protection from toenail punctures, and a strip of carpet remnant wraps around the whole thing for a sturdy non-slip surface. The layers were glued together with "gorilla" glue; hot glue should work also. The carpet was creased to fit, glued on, and some duct tape (a "dad" signature) added to keep the seams secure.
So now we know it's a doggy road trip when the steps come out, and the car goes from zero to two dogs in less than a second.
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Love it, Im going to have a go at making it. Our Chels is only 18 weeks and already I can see that getting in and out of a ute is going to be hard. I can just lift her in now...I'll let you know how I get on...
We went through the same thing with Henley and trying to figure out a way to take him with us. He rushed down a flight of stairs in a frenzy to greet the FedEx man and hurt his hip. He just can't climb and jump like he used to. Here's what we ended up doing: http://henleythegreatdane.blogspot.com/2008/09/henley-in-his-elementreally.html
Enjoyed your blog!
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